Kosciusko RAC, No. 43

A lecture of interest. General business will include consideration of the future of the Chapter (financial situation, Installation and Officers for the next year).

Yass Lodge of Concord No. 27

Investiture of Officers not invested in August, Address to the Wardens presented by W Bro. Bob Bourke and Address to the Brethren presented by VW Bro. David Slater. Talk on ciphers in Freemasonry by VW Bro. David Slater.

Linford Lodge of Research

Beginnings Part 6 – The Order of the Secret Monitor, presented by VW Bro. Neil Morse. Collectors’ Corner: Masonic Postcards.

Australian Capital Territory Sovereign Council, No. 2

Exemplification of the 19th Degree – Grand Pontiff, Led by Grand Commander Ken Rowland. The Theme for the Degree is that from this Degree, we learn that to conquer ignorance and evil, we must solicit Divine help. All Illustrious Brethren will be asked to...